Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Landscape Journal

Photo by Ansel Adams
This landscape is interesting to me because of the tree. I like how its branches stretch to one side, and how the trunk twists. I also like the shawdow that it creates over the rocks. This photo was taken in Yosemite park. I haven't been there, but I would like to visit it sometime. My favorite part of this photograph is the tree, because of how its not growing up, like you think a tree would, but out instead.
The fact that the photo is black and white gives really good depth to the picture. The contrast of the white clouds and the almost black shadows aids the composition. The over all composition of the photo is great. The tree creates line, making your eye take in the entire picture, and not just the tree itself. I wouldn't change anything about the photo. If I were there at that moment, I would climb the tree, and stand at the very top of it.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Movement Journal

Photo by Lou Reuter
The movement in this photo is the team pushing the bobsled forward to gain speed on the ice. The photograph shows the men behind the bobsled running, trying to push their teammate forward to help them be fastest down the track. Movement is an important principle in this photo because it shows the teams will to win the race. Some other elements that work with the movement are the crowd of people standing still in the background, further showing the runners movement. Also the fact that the photographer captured the movement quickly, so there is no blur, and so that you can see one of the runners feet pushing off the ground.
One goal I have for incorporating movement into my photos is to be able to get shots without blur. I want to be able to capture my subject as if it is frozen in time. I think that would better convey movement than in photos ive taken before, where the subject is blurry.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Color Journal Assignment

Eliot Porter
The colors in this photo are very simple and calm. The blues of the warblers have just enough contrast from the green leaves that they stand out. I like the photo because the washed out colors gives the photo a calm look. The green in the leaves tell me that it’s most likely spring time, and that they are making a nest for their soon-to-be family. The cool color scheme really makes the photo effective.
If the color scheme was warm, it would have a more tropical feel, which I don’t think the photographer was looking for. It would have seemed more like summer than spring, and would have not had the same calming affect that the current photo has.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Critical Response: Motion Study
Both photographs show the movement of a subject, step by step.
How do they show motion?
They show each step of a subject step by step, in one photograph. The first shows each movement of a horse galloping, but each in different boxes. The second photograph shows a man walking down the steps in a single photo.
What is the purpose of each photograph? How do you know?
The purpose of Eadweard Muybridges' 'The Horse in Motion' is to prove that all four of the horses hooves do leave the ground when it runs.
The purposed of Ellot Elisofons' 'Dude Descending a Staircase' is to show the motion of a man walking down a staircase